
Simon Fox – BTA Level 2 coach

I joined KTC soon after I moved to the Northwich area 6 years ago. I completed the BTA level 2 coaching qualification in 2023 on a fast-track entry, having been a qualified endurance running coach with Wirral AC the previous 10 years (including completing a supplementary marathon coaching course).

My proudest sporting moments are many and varied, but include: completing my first Ironman in my home town of Bolton in 2009; running both the London and Paris marathons in under 3 hours, as well as the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Fell race under 4 hours, in my late 40’s; and then going on, in my 50’s, to compete for England at age-group marathon, and GB at age-group triathlon and duathlon.

I wanted to get into triathlon coaching as a logical step to give something back into the sport I have been competing in for over 18 years (ironically, my first ever triathlon was the Cheshire Sprint at Marbury Country Park, not far from where we now live).

My philosophy on coaching is to aim to be inclusive and welcoming of all abilities and to encourage and motivate athletes to reach their own individual potential. I feel I can achieve this through personal experience, and not just technical knowledge. My top coaching tip would be – learn to pee whist riding in a tri suit; it saves time and prevents those behind from drafting 😊

Train, Race, Socialise